Zito tampon

Probe “Yunona”: cytobrush with tampon

Original disposable instrument for taking material from several areas (cervical canal and cervix uteri surface) of mucous membranes. The probe consists of a convenient handle and two working parts. The working part – cytobrush has elastic bristles which provide the possibility of qualitative taking of material for cytological and other tests. The working part – tampon is manufactured from hydrophilic soft material. Advantages
The instrument provides representative atraumatic taking of material from several areas. In case of necessity the working part cytobrush can be bent at any angle to the handle. This allows to adapt the instrument depending on the anatomic features of the area where the taking of material takes place. The tampon allows to remove the discharge surplus before the use of cytobrush and also to prepare the smear – imprint.
Taking material for cytological, microbiological tests in obstetric-gynecologic, dermatovenereologic practice.
Gas sterilization.