The form of anchor – Т-shaped. On the anchor’s vertical stem is wound bimetallic copper-silver wire with nominal active surface area 380 mm2 (copper degree of purity is not less than 99,98%, the content of silver is not less than 9,3%) and is secured monofilament thread for the control of position and extraction of contraceptive.
Radio- and ultrasound opaqueness is provided by the presence of bimetallic copper-silver wire on the stem.
The method of insertion of IUD “Yunona Bio-T Ag” - the method of “withdrawal”, the diameter of graduated tube-conductor is 3,9 mm.
Yunona Bio-T Ag Users Manual:
EC Type-examination certificate:
EC Full Quality Assurance System Certificate:
Annex 1 to the certificate:
Instruction for women using intrauterine method of contraception: