International webinar for obstetricians-gynecologists

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We invite you to International training Internet seminar for obstetricians-gynecologists, pediatricians and therapists of maternity hospitals!
Zoom conference on May 27 at 14:00 (Minsk time)

Sergey Nikolayevich Zanko - Chairman of Belarusian medical public association “Reproductive Health”.
Leonid Cheslavovich Neden - Chief Specialist of the Department of Assistance to Mothers and Children of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, holder of Doctorate degree in Medicine, Associate Professor.

The following topics will be discussed:
> Genetic aspects of IVF
> Karyotyping
> Preimplantation testing in theory and practice

Oksana Vladimirovna Pribushenya
Holder of Habilitation degree in Medicine, Associate Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Medical Genetics and Monitoring of Congenital Malformations of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center “Mother and Child” (Belarus)

Olga Aleksandrovna Yakuts
Holder of Doctorate degree in Medicine, biologist, molecular geneticist of Center for Assisted Reproduction “Embryo” (Belarus)

Dmitry Aleksandrovich Mikitenko
Holder of Habilitation degree in Medicine, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostics of Clinic of Reproductive Medicine “Nadiya” (Ukraine)

Link to the conference:
Conference ID: 828 4855 9341
Access code: 046612