Disposable obstetrical silicone pessary


Disposable obstetrical silicone pessary is designed for the prevention of preterm delivery in case of isthmic-cervical insufficiency. The new model of obstetrical pessary is a classic pessary of modern design. The medical silicone by company Waker-Chemie GmbH (Germany) which is chosen for the manufacture of pessaries: - provides the elasticity of pessary facilitating its insertion;
- doesn’t cause pain and discomfort during the use;
- is absolutely safe for the body of mother and baby;
- reduces the risk of irritating effect on the vaginal mucous membrane.

Video about the silicone obstetrical pessary with Candidate of Medical Science A.Y. Zhuravlev :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9RPX73Skxk '> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9RPX73Skxk